...reach mobile users... it is the fastest growing segment of our economy

Everybody's mobile today and it's a growing, if not essential part of how companies are interacting with consumers. We can help make sure your website is smart phone and tablet compatible. We can create a specific app for Apple or Droid, or create a mobile compatible e-commerce solution so when customers are using their phones and tablets to search interacting with you will be simple light and clean.

Get Your Mobile On!

Friends! People! Countrymen! Lend us your ears! Don’t waste another day slaving away over dying marketing methods. It’s time to stop ignoring the inevitable. Today is the best day to begin a future of success with a customized mobile app that your consumers just can’t get enough of! We don’t know why you’ve been putting it off. Perhaps you think you can’t afford to invest in an app. Perhaps you’ve simply been chugging along for so long without it that you don’t realize what you’re missing. But today is the day to wake up and smell the digital roses! The mobile world is the fastest growing and one of the largest consumer markets of all! There are over 327,577,529 cell phones in the US alone, and the number of smartphones is over 70% of the number listed above. This means that your mobile market is HUGE and your business could easily spread its borders. It really is time to get your mobile on!

What Can a Mobile App Do For You?

Here’s a thought you shouldn’t take too long to stew over: the average mobile app is used more than twice as often as a company’s website! You see, people aren’t pinned into cubicles anymore. Our society is on the move, and people demand information INSTANTLY! Whether they’re on the road, in the store, headed to the movies, or out running errands, your consumers are looking for quick answers and even quicker service. For this reason, a well-designed mobile app is a boon to you! If you’re downloaded on the mobile devices your customers own, you’re in their pocket, ready to serve at any moment!

Mobile apps provide you with the opportunity to…

  • Offer promotions,
  • Set up appointments,
  • Sell product,
  • Renew contracts,
  • And carry on business…

… all without your customers ever needing to even come in. Instead of laboring so hard to keep them returning, you can stay in their conscious mind with hardly any effort at all.

But I Already have a Website…

We sure are glad you have a website, and hopefully our team here at TCN helped you develop a website that is strong and robust! Sadly, a website just isn’t good enough anymore. Granted, most phones are incredibly smart these days and can browse and view the Internet easily, but consumers are getting pickier at the same time. Some statistics suggest that over 40% of users will choose a competitor over your company if they can’t find you on the mobile market. The majority of websites must be designed for flexible mobile adaptation. And even then, mobile phone users would rather go to an app with simple design and ease of use.

Simple, Light and Clean

A mobile app created by TCN is going to be specifically crafted to deliver sophistication in simplicity. We’ll focus on easy to use, clean apps that run smoothly on Apple and Droid. When the situation calls for it, we’ll assist in developing straightforward e commerce solutions that will encourage your customers to come to you for as much business as possible.

Let's make sure you're ready! Call or contact us today.

Experienced. Versatile. Affordable
If you're ready to take your online presence and digital market share to the next level, TCN is here and ready to help you get there. We proudly serve clients throughout the US.
Call us at 585-750-5004  or e-mail us through our contact form to learn how we can help you increase sales, online traffic and website visibility.