... learn why you need Google+ ?

Let us give you a hint, it’s the market to over 540 MILLION of the most internet savvy. It’s the home-base social media network for a vast number of individuals, who use the Google cloud to navigate and organize their lives. And it’s one of the many new social media networks that you MUST have a presence in if you want to be a business, people know about. It’s easy enough to understand how Google+ works, it’s incredibly similar to other social media hubs i.e. Facebook, Linkedin. Only here you’re nurturing circles of association and influence with businesses and people.

But We Have A Facebook Page…

That’s great for you! Still, any junior partner can tell you that diversity is one of the necessary evils of successful marketing, investing and business in general. While we understand you’re probably hesitant to just keep throwing money at the Internet here at TCN we don’t know the word “waste”. Every campaign you decide to invest in is going to come back at you 100% worth your time. This means that we’re ready to guarantee your online presence will increase and provide you with the paybacks you’re looking for the more you develop it.

Google+ Page Development

3 Reasons Google+ with TCN Is A MUST

Try this on for size, we can get you and your company set up with a Google+ profile in short order. With all the right pieces in place it won’t be hard at all for you to maintain (and even use for your own devices) your Google+ account. With over half a BILLION users Google+ is already the 2 largest social media database and is arguably the NEXT ESSENTIAL device for businesses and their marketers to understand. Here’s a few of the reasons you DON’T want to miss out on building a robust and customized presence on Google+:

  1. Google+ is developed and maintained by the people who run Google… HELLO! If you are hoping to rank on a search engine or are marketing with PPC you need to jump in with both feet. It seems obvious enough Google would give that special edge of attention to those who market with their system.
  2. A post on your wall directly attaches to a search for your company! This means that the minute you post a new deal or exciting event in your business it’s going to show up where online searchers can find it, keeping you relevant online. How does this benefit you? Consider all the work you put into maintaining your FB profile. Does it matter to the people who don’t know your name how recent your page is? Not at all! There is no such thing as relevant topical access on FB. But on Google+ not only does regular use keep you fresh for your circles, your posts can actually be searched on GOOGLE, making you relevant in search engine results!
  3. Another audience and this time it’s your target audience!  Variety is huge in marketing, finding new ways to reach your target audience is essential and Google+ is a whole new audience of half a billion that you haven’t even begun to tap yet! Additionally you can successfully target those people who are interested in the services you offer!

Google+ is new, so this is the perfect time for you to jump in with both feet and get your business hooked up to a direct source of nourishment! TCN is experienced with Google+ and ready right now this minute to build you a customized page that will show your vibrant business to the world! 

To learn more contact us and we'll help you create a customized and robust solution.

Google+ Page Cover Example

Experienced. Versatile. Affordable
If you're ready to take your online presence and digital market share to the next level, TCN is here and ready to help you get there. We proudly serve clients throughout the US.
Call us at 585-750-5004  or e-mail us through our contact form to learn how we can help you increase sales, online traffic and website visibility.