...get a strategy in place

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: the way you choose to market your business is directly connected to how well you do! The best companies are guaranteed to have the best marketing analysts and the best marketing strategies. Here at TCN, we’ve put years of experience into making sure you’re getting the best of both! The thing is, with so many marketing options out there for you to invest your money into, it can be incredibly difficult to know what is the right move to make. Our marketing research can help you narrow down the playing field to know where your product or advertising might have a real impact. Our marketing strategies will also help you find the marketing investments that are guaranteed the best ROI.

Customize Your Presence

You have a specialty, which means your marketing needs to have one, too. There are hundreds of different online databases, thousands of stadium events, and infinite amounts of television shows that you can pay for marketing with. You need to know what’s right for you: advertising an indie pop star and advertising a plumber are completely different undertakings. Plumbers will benefit from accounts on Angie’s List. Rock stars want fans to follow their ReverbNation accounts. And you and your business very likely have somewhere else you need to show your logo. TCN is ready to help you customize your marketing and get your name into the right circles today!

Four Considerations That Go Into Marketing with TCN

There are four tasks that naturally fall into the services we provide for our clients. Because one blends into the next, we hardly separate them, but provide all four considerations in the results of our customized marketing strategy.

These are the four elements of marketing that we will take into consideration as we analyze your business and your unique needs:

  • Situation Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Marketing Tactics
  • Implementation

Each of these is important for making sure we’re helping you create the strongest marketing plan possible.

Situation Analysis

Situation analysis requires that we carefully collect the data that is surrounding your business in the current market. We’re going to do an honest analysis of the competitors that surround you, the demand for your good or service, the financial situation of your target demographic, etc. We’ll make sure we understand the numbers as they currently stand and the projected growth in your market. Then we’ll take all this information and file it away to use as we create a customized marketing strategy for your business.

SWOT Analysis

‘SWOT’ stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You can’t create a real marketing plan without carefully assessing these points. You need to know what you have to offer, where you stand to suffer when compared with your competition, what opportunities the market holds for you, and of course, what potential threats lie in the cards for you. These four elements will be carefully determined using the marketing research we gathered for you earlier.

Marketing Strategy

It’s time to set goals! As we come up with your marketing strategy, we’ll spare no effort in devising a successful campaign that will work for your needs. Here we’ll outline the marketing opportunities that you can afford and that will have the highest chance of reaching your target audience. Then we’ll determine how this strategy will be put into action. Short term marketing goals and long term marketing goals will be put in place; we’ll try to keep things as specific and clear as possible.


Finally, we’ll put our shoulder to the wheel and stand right alongside you as you launch your marketing plan! We’ll help provide you with the most affordable marketing possible when we can and point you to competent service providers when we can’t. We’re proud to work with you to make sure your company finds success!

TCN is ready to partner with you TODAY to design your customized marketing strategy!

if this is the year you've decided to grow your company contact us immediately

Experienced. Versatile. Affordable
If you're ready to take your online presence and digital market share to the next level, TCN is here and ready to help you get there. We proudly serve clients throughout the US.
Call us at 585-750-5004  or e-mail us through our contact form to learn how we can help you increase sales, online traffic and website visibility.