... go virtual and improve communications 

Google has created a cloud of organization and information that is quickly taking over the world. With Google+, PPC options, Gmail, and of course, the original Google search engine, your business already relies upon this giant of digital commerce! In truth, technology savvy and forward thinking businesses won’t want to resist the full saturation of Google into their company. Utilizing all that Google has to offer is guaranteed to help your company run more smoothly and your business grow more quickly. For this reason, TCN has adopted the skills necessary to help build the Google Apps that will allow for customized integration with your company.

Communication Between Your Team

One of the biggest pluses to using a well-designed Google interface for your company is the brilliant ease of communication. Your team relies 100% on good communication to get their work done on time and to all the specifications you have outlined. Google Apps can help your team communicate with incredible ease. Once you move your team to Google Apps, you have at your disposal email domain, video conferences, shared documents, open integrated calendars, tools to enhance your website, and more. TCN will happily assist you in clarifying, customizing, and getting started with a Google App that will help you and your team run like a well-oiled machine!

Customization is Key

The ultimate element of using a Google App to run your business and team with ease is the intricate customizable ability you have! Our team will carefully build a working relationship with you that will allow us to know what you need in your Google App. As we design a system based entirely on your need, you are guaranteed to get all the bells and whistles without paying for the generic elements that just bog down your users. Who doesn’t want to know they’re using the tools that were made precisely for them? Let TCN help you by placing the perfect tool for building success right in your hands.

A Few of the Google App Tools

If you don’t know anything about Google Apps (some people believe this is not possible), then let us just take a moment and enlighten you as to what the above-mentioned tools really do for you.

  • Gmail- A lot can be inferred about a company just by looking at the domain name. Gmail automatically says “business”, but even better is a customized domain name such as xxx@yourbusiness.com.  With Google apps, you and each member of your team can get business email addresses. And on top of that, they have endless amounts of space to hold invoices, conversations, contracts, etc.
  • Voice and Video- Get phone calls and make phone calls through your Google account. Additionally, your company can be spread across the 5 horizons and you can still all get together in one room, as long as you have Google video or Google Hangouts. See your team members, share images, host presentations, or conduct training and business. 
  • Google Drive- Create all the documents you need for work online without ever buying expensive software. Additionally, you can enjoy endless amounts of storage kept within the cloud. This means that no matter where you are, all your documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and the rest are available to you at the click of a button, and you can share and edit them with your team live online.

These tools and more are available through Google Apps, and TCN will help you set it up and keep it running. We want to see your business flourish, and we believe that streamlining your business will help with that!

When you're ready for the best contact TCN. We will implement a robust solution tailored to your company's needs!

Experienced. Versatile. Affordable
If you're ready to take your online presence and digital market share to the next level, TCN is here and ready to help you get there. We proudly serve clients throughout the US.
Call us at 585-750-5004  or e-mail us through our contact form to learn how we can help you increase sales, online traffic and website visibility.